2010 Summer League Playoffs - Rosters and Info

Scroll to the bottom of this page to review playoff team rosters for Monday & Tuesday teams='red'>.

All captains should have already received an email regarding registration. This is a FREE event and is OPTIONAL to every team. Only TUC summer teams are allowed to enter. There will be two playoff divisions for each night (Competitive and Intermediate/Recreational) so teams should intend to participate accordingly (based on their league divisions). Teams will be seeded based on ladder results and teams will be placed in power pools of 8 for the playoffs. If there is an uneven number of teams, we will work it out closer to the tournament date. We will try our best to schedule each night division separately to avoid any schedule conflicts for players on multiple teams — however there are no guarantees. Teams will play 3 games in the playoffs and most teams will have 1-2 breaks in between games. Thus please expect to be at Sunnybrook Park for approximately 6-8 hours. We will also be providing our usual tournament amenities like breakfast munchies, water, and athletic therapy.

To register your team for the playoffs, 1 captain from your team must register your team online and complete & return the playoff roster form to events@tuc.org. Key dates are: August 23rd playoff registration opens, August 28th deadline for updating regular summer team rosters online, September 5th deadline to register for Mon/Tues playoffs, September 12th deadline to register for Wed/Thurs playoffs.

For Monday and Tuesday teams: September 5th playoff rosters due at 11:59pm, September 6th rosters will be posted online for teams to view by 12:00pm, September 7th deadline for roster objections is 11:59pm, September 8th deadline to withdraw and roster finalization, September 11th playoffs

For Wednesday and Thursday teams: September 12th playoff rosters due at 11:59pm, September 13th rosters will be posted online for teams to view by 12:00pm, September 14th deadline for roster objections is 11:59pm, September 15th deadline to withdraw and roster finalization, September 18th playoffs

Schedule and Seeding

On the Thursday prior to playoffs the captains will be sent a draft seeding and schedule. All reasonable objections will be reviewed. Objections must be provided by 11:59pm on Thursday. On the Friday the schedule will be released as early as possible, posted on the home page.

This is a tournament so please plan to be there for the bulk of the day. We will do our best to balance the schedules and accommodate all variables. If you get scheduled early, be there early! This is the nature of a tournament.

Playoff Policy

NEW Playoff Substitution Policy: This year we will be implementing a new playoff substitution policy. Teams must complete the attached roster form. Online rosters will not be accepted. Teams that do not follow these rules will be disqualified from the playoffs and may be subject to further disciplinary actions. Please read carefully the following. Teams are allow to add substitutes from another team provided that:

1. The other team, for which the substitute is a regular roster player, is NOT participating in the playoffs

2. The substitute player is a registered TUC member in good standing

3. The substitute player is not subbing for another playoff team that plays on the same weeknight

4. Total number of males, if it includes subs, does not exceed 8 (teams with 6 or less regular males can add up to 2 male subs, teams with 7 regular males can add up to 1 male sub).

5. Total number of females, if it includes subs, does not exceed 6 (teams with 4 or less regular females can add up to 2 female subs, teams with 5 regular females can add up to 1 female sub).

6. The roster form is due at 11:59pm the Sunday prior to Saturday playoffs (please see dates below)

7. A regular rostered player must have played at least 2 games and must be on the regular Summer League team roster by the deadline.

8. If no substitute players are used (either gender), there is no limit to the number of “regular” rostered players declared. If you require more space, please fill out a 2nd form.

Playoff Rosters

Teams will have a minimum 36 hours to review rosters and report any objections. During this time if they have any questions about a player they can contact the opposing captain(s). If opposing captains don't reply or if captains disagree with the declared subs, then they can file an objection. The deadline for objections will be Tuesday at 11:59pm (midnight). Objections are forwarded directly to the TUC office and anonymity is kept by the TUC office. Objections include your name and team, the name of the team in objection, the sub player requested, and the reason why. After the objection deadline has passed no further objections can be made to a declared roster.

If there are any objections then that sub player will NOT be permitted to participate on the team requested. The team captain(s) will be notified by email on Wednesday. Team online rosters will be updated by Wednesday evening.

In the event that TUC denies a sub player from participating on a team, or if a team loses a player after the roster deadline, they have two choices: withdraw from the tournament by Wednesday at 2pm, or play with the remaining roster. After all, it is the responsibility of teams to ensure that they have a proper roster for playoffs and there is a “regular player” minimum rule.

Monday Playoff Teams

Big Hammers
Baby Farm
Hammer Hawks

Awesome Fighting Mongooses
Flick Fu
Force Lions
Get at me, Wolf!
Les Chapeaux Magiques
Lions, Tigers and Bears
Ninjastars (Macguffin)
Piggy wants the Conch
The Huckers
The Krabrs
The Most Interesting Team in the World
The Uncredible Hulks
Yellow School Bus
You Look Better on Facebook

Tuesday Playoff Teams

El Kabong
Going Down The Road
The Hive
Where Day Go

Alotadisc Now
Arm & Hammer
At Play
Friends of Quark
Friendship Sluts
Huck & Roll
Keep Off the Grass
Lounge Lizards
Que Fait Ma Main?
Sexxxy Results
So What
Spinning Assassins
Stacked with Racks
tHat Team
The C.U. Next Tuesdays
The Meople
The Mild Mannered Bonecrushers
