Summer End Party Recap - Including Slideshows!

The awards were as follows:

  • Playoff Spirit Champions
    Monday: Drunken Monkeys
    Tuesday: Braddock
    Wednesday: Hot For Teacher!
    Thursday: Green Johnny
  • Top Spirited Teams of the Summer
    'And Boom Goes The Hammer' and '175 Grams of Fury'
  • All-Star Challenge Most Valuable Players
    Monday Comp: Jamie Dempster
    Tuesday Comp: Karrie Van Belle
    Wednesday Comp: Jacky "Hybrid" Hau
    Thursday Comp: Will Mercer
    Monday Inter: Jon Hollinger
    Tuesday Inter: George Burton
    Wednesday Inter: Janice Lui
    Thursday Inter: Aaron Hooper
  • Volunteer of the Year
    Mark Tran
  • Top Volunteers in 2013
    Darryl Newburry
    Emma Seaborn
    Michael Kukucska
    Ed Kung
    Monica Taylor
  • Captain of the Year
    Brooks Johnson