Event » March Break Camp - Partnership with Elite Ultimate » View

March Break Camp - Partnership with Elite Ultimate

March Break Ultimate Skills Camp - in partnership with Elites Ultimate

Want to take your ultimate play to the next level? 
Learn from some of the best coaches in the country? 
Spend your March break playing something other than Fortnite? 

Come out to our inaugural skills camp!

Topics will include:

  • Break throws and give-gos
  • Cutting like a champ
  • Mastering Match Defense
  • Strategy and Tactics

Dates: Monday, March 11 - Friday, March 15
Times: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Ages: 12-18
Location: Ballsports Polson Pier
Format: High-intensity training in a small group setting
Capacity: 20 players (10 males, 10 females)
Cost: $200 for the week or $50 per day (preference given to full week participants, email juniors@tuc.org if interested in daily)
Contact: juniors@tuc.org

Event Type
Individuals for Events
Not allowed
Registration Opens
Feb 4, 2019 12:00PM
Registration Closes
Mar 9, 2019 6:00PM
30 minutes

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